Prostate Cancer

Let me start off by saying that PROSTATE CANCER IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE. Most cases are diagnosed early these days, because of increased awareness among the patients and the doctors. A patient may also be found to have prostate cancer, during the evaluation of urinary problems.

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Prostate Biopsy

This procedure is needed to confirm or exclude the presense and grade of prostate cancer. Usually done under local anesthesia, small hair like thin pieces of prostatic tissue are taken (around an inch long). The patient can go home the same day.

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Radical Prostatectomy

This procedure offers best chances of potential cure, in appropriately selected patients with prostate cancer. It involves removal of prostate gland, with seminal vesicles and Vas, and lymph nodes. Bladder is then joined back to natural route of urine passage. Afterwards patient is followed-up every 3 months with serum PSA test (simple blood test). This procedure is usually done with keyhole incisions these days, because of excellent recovery and safety. Open technique has mostly been abandoned, by the surgeons. This procedure carries the risk of erectile dysfunction (managed later by medicines), and urinary incontinence (mostly recovers with focused exercise techniques).

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TUR channeling

If the disease is extensive and widespread, this procedure is done so that patient can pass urine comfortably, while he is being managed with radiotherapy or chemotherapy and/ or androgen deprivation therapy (Commonly referred as hormone therapy).

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